Monday, January 26, 2009

So Great a Cause

I want to blog about my ward's Family Home Evening activity.

We went downtown to see the movie about the restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ. I have seen this movie several times. However, each time I come away more grateful for the blessings in my life and a commitment to do better. I am specifically grateful for the sacrifice of so many individuals as they acted in Faith.

Tonight I was especially touched by a line that said something to the effect that the experiences the church members had experienced and endured had made their hearts more tender. I know that my experiences, both the good and the bad, have made me who I am today. I know that my heart has learned to be more tender and I hope it will continue as I search for truth and follow the teaching of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


VermontMom said...

That was simply put and simply beautiful. You made my heart swell. Love Mom

CommonMama said...

It is so true that experiences, good or bad, shape us if we use them to make us better. Thanks for sharing

AZ Allreds said...

Erica -- I love you! Thank you for always being a good friend.., I feel so blessed with the friends that I have in my life. As I went through my mission stuff -- I found all the letters from you that I still have. Thank you! I don't think you'll ever know how much those meant to me. You are so amazing...I hope you know or feel that. Thanks for the experiences you shared in life to help in my shaping and bettering. Love You!