Sunday, September 14, 2008

Photographic highlights from the week

The joy of the fluffernutter is out of this world! What a birthday treat. I came home to a loaf of homemade bread and a thing of fluff. Melissa was the wonderful gift giver here. It had been a while since I had enjoyed the culinary excellence that can be enjoyed with the use of three simple ingredients.

I have a slight obsession with the bouquets of flowers at Costco. We go there just about every week and every week I say, "we should buy some flowers". However, I can never quite justify the purchase. Well, for my birthday on Monday, my good friend April gave me a bouquet of Costco flowers! I was so excited!

Some of you may remember my account of various "after-anatomy" celebrations. One of those involved the purchase and assembly of a puzzle. I don't know if I mentioned the size of the puzzle-2000 pieces! After a month, the help of many friends and a few late nights, it is finished. I put a sharpie marked next to it so you can fully appreciate the size. You had better believe it is now glued together and ready to hang in the extra/guest bedroom.

Now we come to Saturday. A fun filled day to say the least. We went to the Utah State Fair with Cambree's brother, sister-in-law and niece and nephew. We took this picture at the beginning, little did I realize "Bushels of Utah State Fair Fun" we would have.

First we ran into Brooke, Darryl, and Zach. Seeing them is always fun. We all headed over to the reptile show. I don't think the Marshes made it through it though, did you guys end up ducking out? Anyway, lots of cool animals, but this was my favorite. 100+ (if I remember correctly) pounds of turtle, and they live to be super old too. I tried to be the crowd volunteer on this one, but some other lady was chosen.

This rooster is for Dad-point of reference on the size-that is a regular 8 oz. dixie cup in the foreground.

Our friend Ben took first place in the scenic photo category with his picture of Arches. That pretty much makes Cambree and I famous. I am proud of Ben, he is a good kid.

OK, this next one is random, but I find it really entertaining. On August 11, 2007 we went to the balloon festival and were very intrigued by this seemingly eccentric photographer. He left such an impression that we had to snap a shot of him.

Well fast forward to September 13, 2008. Who should we happen to run into at the state fair? I hope to see him in a years time. ;)

After the joys of fair fun, food and animals, it was time for my birthday BBQ.
Here are some of my favorite people. (Left to right: Dave Z. , April, myself, Jenni, and Garrett),
That was about a 1/4 of the crowd.

After the delicious food and some games we made cucumber boats to race down the river. April and I decided to work as a team. She is responsible for the winning design. Everyone else would end up stuck on the rocks, but not our trusty little skiff.

This is the launching of the boats. Fun times were had by all. Yeah for food, friends, fun, and most of all, Birthdays!


Melody said...

Yay! Happy Birthday-looks like you had fun!

Darryl said...

Zach had zero interest in the reptiles so as soon as kicking the lady in front of us got boring and jumping off the top of the bleachers started to look interesting, we had to head out! It was good to see you though :)

anne said...

Happy Birthday Erica! It sounds like you had quite a party! And you definitley have more friends than Mary. Yesterday was her b-day (She's 2) and she only had two guests. I'm glad you are having so much fun.

CommonMama said...

All I can say is that you are having way too much fun...without me! I love that massive puzzle.

Mrs. C. Yeates said...

Happy Birthday! (Sorry I'm a bit late. We've had a few things going on here.)

By the way, I have been craving fluff with this baby! I need to get on our now working internet and buy some.