Sunday, September 26, 2010

Summer Adventures: 1st-Ephraim/Manti

Way back when, Manelle, Alli, and I went to Pocatello for a random trip (sorry, no pictures from that adventure). While we were in Pocatello we came up with a random list of fun things to do this summer. Among them was a trip to Ephraim where they have really good Piccadilly fries. Alli's Grandma lives down there so we stayed with her.

April was telling us how the sister missionaries on temple square are taught to always pose in a certain way in pictures. We decided to create our own.

(Manelle, Alli, April, and myself)

Just hanging out in some comfy old chairs.

We went wondering around the streets of Ephraim and happened upon a playground with teeter-totters(sp?). You have to realize two things:

1.teeter-totters are extremely fun.
2. teeter-totters are becoming increasingly difficult to find on playgrounds.

We played on them for quite a long time. Here is a picture of me where I may remind you of Yoda. Try not to be intimidated/disgusted by my massive calf muscles that are relaxed and hangin'!

Manelle and I leaning in for a shot.

While getting ready for bed April and I decided we had to document our flashback to the eighties p.j.s.

We went to the Manti temple while we were down there. I had heard it was beautiful inside, but it still created a sense of awe and respect for the workmanship that went into it.

After we finished at the temple we finally got to enjoy the fries. We actually tried some at two different places that both claimed to have the best. I enjoyed them at both but think the second place used oil that was a little more fresh.

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