Sunday, November 16, 2008

I apologize for the delay

I know there are some of you out there that expect Sunday updates on blogs. My apologies for missing last week. Life has seemed to get a little crazy of late, and not much to note. You know the usual day to day stuff, and that is about it. I do have two pictures to share. 1st-we bought pumpkin bread mix at Costco. Not really that news worthy, I know. However, it contains pecans. Most of you know how I feel about the majority of nuts. So Cambree convinced me that we should by a sifter and just sift the nuts out. It worked pretty well.

However, it did not work as well when we attempted to sift poppy seeds out of a muffin mix.

Some of you may remember a post I made on July 13th about my car reaching the milestone of 100,000 miles. As an indication of how much time I spend in my car, I reached another notable mileage...111,111! Unfortunately I wasn't able to catch the exact number on film, but one close to it. That odometer won't have one digit in all the number spots again until 222,222.

One more cool thing. I think I took this picture last week.

It is hard to tell in the picture, but the majority of the ice is floating above the pavement. I thought it was cool.


Jennifer said...

I'm impressed that you at least tried with the poppy seeds. I wouldn't have, but then, I'm pretty lazy.

anne said...

Mark loves when our cars get to any kind of mileage with a pattern. He will often call me from the road, just to tell me that the car reached 102,201 or something like that. When you notice any and every pattern, it happens very often. It's getting hard for me to pretend I'm excited about it. Maybe I should have him call you!