Thursday, January 20, 2011

October: California and Halloween

These cute little flowers were on the bank of Lake Tahoe.

We stopped in at a little coffee shop/ice cream parlor/bike shop/ski shop/office center. It was quite charming and the ice cream was delightful. I had a hard time leaving, but we had only blocked out so much time at Lake Tahoe.

This lake is Donner lake. We went up over Donner pass on our way to California.

Visiting a Jelly Bean factory was on my list of things to do before I die. Taking a tour of the Jelly Belly factory will remain a highlight for many years to come.

Left to right. Dave, myself, Cambree, Jenni, Garrett.

Yeah for the Golden Gate Bridge.

We purchased several 2 pound bags of "Belly flops" from the Jelly Belly factory. We polished off this bag in record time!

We visited the Mystery Spot in Santa Cruz that plays tricks with your mind through optical illusion. It was quite entertaining to watch people try to walk through this little structure.

These huge hydrangeas were lining Lombard street in San Francisco.

Then there was Yosemite on the return trip. This rotted log was too much to resist.

You are all aware of my obsession with holes and nooks and crannies.

Yosemite's half dome.

Cambree's and my attempt to recreate Vitruvian Man, by Leonardo Da Vinci.

We were driving late at night on a remote highway when the hood of the car flew open. That was definitely thrilling.

These next couple of pictures were taken on one of my favorite hikes in SLC.
This first one is my cute roommate Karina.

There is SOME beautiful foliage up the canyons.

Roommate picture.

This is the reward to be enjoyed at the end of the hike.

We had a roommate date to "Color Me Mine". We created some art work to help complete our front room decor.

Pumpkin Hunting!!! One of my favorite things about Halloween, taking the wagon out to the field and picking your pumpkin.

Left to right: Jake, Michael, Chris, April, April's cousin(in the front), Heidi, myself, Mandi, and Karina.

Aren't they lovely!
Karina, Heidi, Me!

Jake, Me, Heidi

I copied this idea from the internet. I made it with spice cake to which I added a package of butterscotch pudding. It turned out deliciously moist!

We had a pumpkin carving extravaganza. I was not feeling super well that night, so Erik was kind enough to carve my pumpkin for me.

Left to right: Erik, Me, Jamie, Heidi, Karina, Garrett, Jake, Michael(front)

Chillin' on the couch while everyone slaved away.

We had the Halloween party of the century. There ended up being 50+ people in our house through the night. I took pictures with some of my favorite;).

Me and Robert

Cambree was awesome and joined us for the weekend.
Cambree, Me, Jenni

Roommates: Me, Heidi, Karina.

This is Jamie in possibly the best Halloween costume of all time.

I have a fantastic cupcake book which contains all sorts of creative cupcake ideas. Cambree and I found these rats harder to make then anticipated.
So we moved on to our own creations.

I am getting closer to caught up, so hopefully my blogging will get to be a little more interesting and not just a multitude of random pictures.


Ashley said...

I love all of the pictures of your trip. As I read I can hear your voice and it makes me smile.

Cyndie said...

Don't know if you are aware, but from age 4-10 I lived in Santa Cruz. I went to the mystery spot MANY times with girl scouts, field trips, and just for fun. I loved going there!