Sunday, October 3, 2010

Indianapolis, Indiana

Back in June I was able to go to Indianapolis and hang out with the Marches. I should have taken more pictures, but a small representation is better then none. I fell in love with Indianapolis. It is such a great city with a small town feel. I have decided to live there someday. Cambree and I may have been making plans to move there in 3 years if we are both still single. I think both of us hope we are not, but if we are...we might as well enjoy a fun adventure.

Miriam, Seth and I found what entertainment we could while hanging out at the apartment. We had a lot of fun. Seth was so proud of his hat.

Kathryn and I were able to take the kids to the zoo on one of the days we were there.

I think this was a goat or a sheep they were able to pet.

This is a baby elephant that was swimming and playing in the water. It was fun to watch!

I wish I had been better able to capture this moment on film. Kathryn was very patient and tried to recreate the moment while I shot the picture.

What beauty there is to enjoy in plants! I really loved these water lilies.

In case you are wondering what this picture is: There are just hundreds of chrysalises!

1 comment:

CommonMama said...

Your blog is so pretty!