Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Going Green

I was driving home from class tonight, and thinking about all the damage I was doing to the environment with all my driving, and I am not quite sure where my train of thought went from there, but this is where it ended up.
If everyone is so worried about "going green" I think one of the biggest impacts we could make it by doing away with billboards! Think about it, all the energy spent to light them up at night, some of them even have lights during the day. Then there is all the waste product produced when they change the signs. Additionally, most billboards are now just giant plastic signs hung over a board, have you ever thought about where that all goes when the sign is changed? Then there are the drivers that slow down on the freeway to view the billboards, and then accelerate after to regain speed, thus decreasing their fuel efficiency.
One last point, wouldn't the landscape look so much prettier without them? And if they weren't dotting the landscape, perhaps drivers would notice the smog in the valley more.

Well, there is my tree-hugger, and I think, quite ingenious thought for the day.


Lisa said...

Hi Lil Erica,

Thanks for posting a comment on my blog. It was fun to hear from you and to read a little about what you have been up to. It looks like you have been doing a lot of fun stuff (the Rodeo sounded super fun). I also appreciate your thought provoking comments on bill boards and their wasteful effects on our environment, we can all learn a thing or two from you.
;-) Take care - Lisa

AZ Allreds said...

Right on with the billboards, except the ones that are entertaining...just the annoying ones. What if we also started a holiday for each month called Green Day ( no pun intended) and have everyone all over the world turn off everything...well, maybe not our refridgerators...or the life support at the hospital...or the nuclear powerplant coolers...ok a few things would have to stay on...but think of the possibilities...you should get something started. =)

blogarama mamma said...

Hey Lil Erica, This is Andrea ... from Big Erika and Lisa and Company. I found your blog through Lisa's blog. I think your thought is genius. Well, maybe not genius, but college graduate level for sure ... or high graduate at the very least. Maybe you could write to Al Gore and he could add your thought to the end of his movie and then you would probably be entitled to joint custody of his noble prize. You could have it for weekends.

4cummings said...

What billboards?

Ashley said...

I'm so proud of that little green lightbulb on top of your little head! Have you read "Gorgeously Green"? Greatest book of all time and so fun and easy to do. Phil and I even hung clothes to dry. Wowzers. GREAT THOUGHT PROPS