Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Education of Young Children

A couple of weeks ago I spent some time in my classroom switching out some of the toys. I grabbed some blocks from the supply room and threw them in the class. The next morning I started taking a closer look at the blocks and realized that I could not in good conscience leave them there, however I think they offer some great entertainment.

My personal favorites: the shrimp, the battleplan, the missile, the electric torch and the beer. Honestly who puts a mug of beer on a child's play toy?!
I ended up editing them with a black permanent marker so the kids could still enjoy the building pleasure.


Cyndie said...

Those are AWESOME!!!!! Who came up with these? Do they still have a job? And why did the company make them? AND why do y'all have them?

Melody said...

haha-those are hilarious! so, a candle is the same thing as a washing machine? I'm glad you took pictures of these, so we could all enjoy.

CommonMama said...

HAHAHAHA I think those were made in China?

Ashley said...

I do have some for my class also. What's with GLIM??? You had a lot more than I thought. Hilarious!

Melissa said...

what the? How funny. Gotta love products from either China or Korea!

PS March 6th is coming up fast! :) Can't wait to hear.

AZ Allreds said...

Thanks for the great laugh -- I think I am going into early labor now! Those are probably could have made money off of EBAY for those! Too good! But seriously...Beer? On a kids block? Nice one!