Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Continuing Adventure of EDC

These are just a few of the pictures from my trip to Yellowstone Memorial Day Weekend. We went up for my friend Chris' birthday celebration.
Left to right Heidi, Evan, Erica, Kandis.

This picture is so funny to me b/c right before we took I could tell Evan had his tongue sticking out, so I reached up and tapped his tongue with my hand. This picture captured the moment when he turned to me and asked if I had really just hit his tongue.

Erica, Heidi, Kandis
One of four bears spotted over the weekend.

Evan communing with nature.

The whole crew- Evan, Erica, Kandis, Ashley, Brant, Chris, Alan, Heidi.

There were ton of bison to be seen. The one picture I regret not taking was of 14 bison marching down the road with a tour bus stuck behind them. There were also lots of Elk out and about, but I don't have any pictures of them.

Erica and Kandis.
A wolf print from the many we saw on our hike.

I don't know what it is but I love to climb into small holes when the opportunity arises.

This was super cool! We were just driving along with no significant snow spots and then we came across this. I was out walking on it with out a jacket and sandals on my feet.

Relaxing outside the tourist trap while my friends were sucked in.

Brant, Erica, Evan.


Laura said...

I love Yellowstone! Sounds like you had tons of fun. I would have loved to see a photo of a tour bus following 14 bison, lol, awesome!

Me said...

Yellowstone is cool, but you are cooler! I also think you are a lovely girl...inside and out!

Melissa said...

Fun, fun, fun! You are so cool with all the adventures you go on with friends. Way to be out and about.

CommonMama said... cool. I love the Mama and baby bison photo. And I love the hot chick that is in almost all the photos...that's you!

Cyndie said...

You should tell that guy he is lucky you only hit his tongue. I remember once with Dawes....